In business since 1996
Tel. 1-800-779-4423 (U.S.)
International +1-310-704-1528
Night vision , spy tools, spy gear & telephone surveillance -  you will find, bug detector, listening devise, telephone encryption,  and telephone recorder, audio bug, cellylar encryption , spy tools and telephone encryption, bomb blocker and bomb jammer, voice changer, night vision monocular and binoculars, counter surveillance equipment, covert video surveillance, personal security and self defense.

Spyworld provides spy tools and spy equipment including surveillance equipment, telephone and video surveillance gear, night vision scopes and spy camera equipment and more. Since 1996  Visit us today.

Nevada - California 

- Main Office -

711  South Carson Street
Suite  4
Carson City, Nevada 89701

Voice: 1-775-885-8898

Fax:  1-815-371-2856





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